West Morris Mendham High School will soon have a Sustainable Center of Excellence. Janice Dimiceli, Behavior Support Instructor, and Nancy Ellis, Culinary Arts Instructor, wrote a proposal for a solar Geodesic Dome greenhouse. The proposal was submitted to David Leigh, Director of Special Services, and was approved by the Board of Education earlier this year. The project is being funded through ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act). This hands-on learning center will focus on students with special needs, but will allow all Mendham High School students the opportunity to participate in a sustainable, closed-loop teaching center. Students will grow their own food and learn the importance of eating minimally processed fresh produce. Additionally, students will be a part of decreasing the carbon footprint of our school community and have available to them a year round living laboratory. All teachers will have the opportunity to work collaboratively to develop co-curricular learning activities.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Alan Werthan From Growing Spaces Talks to Classes About The Dome

Ms. Ellis and Ms. Dimiceli (organizers of the dome project) are pictured with Alan Werthan, from Growing Spaces, the Colorado company that produced the dome. Mr. Werthan talked with classes about the dome this week.

 Alan Werthan discussing the dome with students and Ms. Ellis.
Planting beds were constructed using cinder blocks. The beds are 16" high and 30" wide and will be filled with soil. Black tubes run through the beds and will take warmth from the ground to help keep the dome warm in the winter. In the summer they will circulate cool air to help keep the dome cool.

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